Dire Straits Tunnel of Love licks and sounds played on two Schecter Dream Machine replicas

Check out my latest Youtube video where I am playing guitar over a backing track inspired by Tunnel of Love from the third Dire Straits album.

I built both of these guitars myself, the one with the birch body is actually the very first guitar I built ever in my life. The specs of this guitar are like the stolen sunburst Schecter that Mark played on the Making Movies album.

The other guitar – still without final finish – has an ash body and the specs of Mark’s sunburst Schecter that he bought to replace the stolen one, in other words the guitar used live on Tunnel of Love from 1980 to 1986.

The solo is not a cover. My idea here was to remain in that quiet mood of the original solo before it builds up for the final show-down in the original version. So it is a kind of guitar improvisation, with ideas and licks from the original coming in frequently.

I filmed some minutes, and I was planning to cut out some parts for the video but finally I decided to use the complete takes without cuts or edits. For this reason it includes some mistakes and imperfections but, on the other hand, it is the real one-take experience.

At the end of the video you will find the backing track as well, plus all info on the guitars, gear, and settings.


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