Here are just two quick pictures of what I have been spending time with lately:
This is a body of one-piece (!) flamed (!!) birch (!!!), shaped like a Schecter Dream Machine body (yes, the shape is slightly different to a Fender body, e.g. slimmer horns and cutaways) . The neck is a one-piece birds-eye neck, the neck profile is copied from a Van Nuys era Schecter neck.
The wood is not finished at all yet, not even finally sanded. I admit I just could not wait to hear this guitar so I assembled it for a true ‘preview’. 🙂
The guitar sounds very cool !!! And before you wonder why this neck has no dots on the front (Mark’s Schecter – the one that was stolen – had dots): there are a few more bodies waiting around here, of different kinds of mahogany, birch, and ash. I have not decided yet on which body this neck will end (Mark’s other Schecters were dotless).

Here is the video of the first soundcheck:
14 thoughts on “Preview: Tunnel of Love Birch Dream Machine Strat Copy”
Sounds good, has the “thick” quality of the original. So which pickups are installed there?
Of course the ‘Tunnel of Love’ pickups, replicas of the original F500T:
Where did you buy that pickguard? I want one for my tele
You can buy them here:
And for the Tele:
Tele pickups similar to those in this video are available as well.
Do you make the pickguard?
Hi Ingo
Do you know of anyone who can build me a Schecter Dream Machine Copy like one used on tunnel of love gold pick guard !
Any information or advice would be greatly appreciated
Kind Regards
Looks great Ingo! I’ll be first in line to buy when you make these parts available!
Any plans to perhaps try a side route for the input jack??
Good luck with this–hope it comes to fruition soon!
Sounds great with that Schecter bell like quality to the tone.
So when are you gonna paint it sunburst ?
hi ingo, when will you make a video of the finished product?
Hi Ingo, beautiful sound! I bought your loaded Making Movies pickguard. Did you use any effects, like compression or delay in this video?
Yes, I always use at least some reverb, delay, and compression.
Not sure if MK was impressed by Schecter guitars or just by the electronics ? People often quote his then-girlfriend as having introduced him to Schecter brand, but videos on youtube show her playing a Sunburst Fender Stratocaster (from the 1970s) with a Schecter pickguard (similar to the Dream Machine).